Our Herd
Well, for right now, I haven't gotten this page finished, so you will have to
settle for a brief description of the "herd". We currently have 4 dogs in the
"herd". There is "Keck's Patches of Joy" (aka Patches), our red merle Austrailian
Shepherd. She is about 13.5 years old, and is as sassy as ever. Next there is
"Royal Oaks Blue on Black" (aka Luke), our blue merle Sheltland Sheepdog ("Sheltie").
He is about 4.5 years old. Then there is "Lynlea's Match on Fire" (aka Danny), one of
our sable Shetland Shepdogs. Finally, there is "Emsket's Push on a Shove" (aka Daisy),
our other sable Sheltie.